In recent years community services have been transformed through reattribution of limited public finances to maximise efficiency, turnover and the winding down and closure of facilities such as day hospitals and day centres. This has created the need to provide increasing rehabilitative effort and support to primary care and statutory agencies. Mental and physical vulnerability do not spare venues or social classes and individuals may be left alone attempting to regain meaning to their lives after a long illness which has deprived them of self-esteem, skills and socialisation. Beyond statutory agents, more support and therapeutic presence should be provided in many cases, helping with the process of healing, reintegration and building the sense of dignity and self-esteem that will also prevent relapse and further psychosocial breakdowns.
Uriel Care2U has offered care in the community for the past fourteen years and was incorporated in 2014. In 2016 we see the development of a new phase in the project, which coincides with the relocation of the business headquarters from Wood Green, North London (UK) to Finchley, London (UK). The service is subject to external inspection and approval by the Care Quality Commission and the business is also registered with the Criminal Records Bureau. The work of Uriel Care2U is placed at the point of transition and recuperation following illness or hospitalisation . Also at the point of long term support of those that are frail and vulnerable, particularly older people. In order to achieve this, we maintain a strong focus on education, training of formal and informal caregivers. Our staff recruitment and supervisions are of the highest standards.